NTU supports five years’ Strategic Plan for the Bandari Maritime Academy of Kenya

The first of a series of planned meetings

This week, a 3 days’ workshop was held in Mombasa, Kenya, in preparation of the Bandari Maritime Academy Strategic Plan in the context of our ISKTS project funded by the European Union. The event was attended by the Project’s Team and addressed to representatives of the Blue Economy Sector, i.e. the Kenyan maritime and shipping industry.

This workshop was the first of a series of planned meetings aiming at elaborating the BMA five years’ Strategic Plan, therefore its importance was critical in the elaboration of a firm foundation and clear goals. The workshop presented solutions aiming at making the Bandari Maritime Academy a centre of excellence on maritime skills development.

Investing in Blue Economy

The workshop held in Mombasa was attended by Ms. Nancy Karigithu, Principal Secretary, State Department for Shipping and Maritime. PS Karigithu appreciated the assistance provide by the sector by the European Union within the frame of the NTU led project – Institutional Support to the Kenya Transport Sector - ISKTS.

Aware of the opportunities arising in the shipping and maritime sectors and aspiring for the development of its maritime space, Kenya is investing in the Blue Economy, which is considered as the 8th sector of the economic pillar of the Kenya Vision 2030. Among those opportunities, there are job creation to tackle unemployment, innovative solutions to develop the sector, and potential to improve competitiveness.