Virtual Conferencing Sustaining Continues Communication and Progress of Ugandan Railway Project

Applying virtual conferencing applications

The NTU TA team commenced the Training Needs Assessment phase of their Ugandan Railway project on the 17th of January which it has since concluded and was at the point of presentation of the TNA report and discussion of Training Strategies. Due to the COVID-19 complications and meeting guidelines the scheduled meetings and presentations couldn’t be delivered under normal circumstances and an enhancement of the project workplan was done to maintain the progress of the project and minimize the effect of the widespread pandemic. This has led the team to apply virtual conferencing applications and web-based communication solutions. These applications comprise all the necessary aspects of both video conferencing and file sharing capabilities.

Successful TNA report and Training Strategies Presentation

NTU managed to host a virtual meeting and presentation of the TNA report and Training Strategies on the 23rd of April with the event having several participants and key stakeholders present including key staff from similar on-going projects. The meeting was successful and several issues and topics were touched.

The team has since held other web-based meetings and will continue applying virtual and web-based platforms to sustain the progress of the project for the duration of the COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions.