New shortlist: Green Transition and De-carbonisation

4th of January, 2023

Leading a strong consortium, NTU International A/S is proud to be shortlisted for a new EU-GCC Cooperation on Green Transition and De-carbonisation Project, aiming to strengthen cooperation between the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the EU.

The Overall Objective of this action is to contribute to stronger political and technical relations between the EU and GCC, both at regional and bilateral levels.

This new contract has a value of EUR 3,000,000 and will last 36 months.

This contract, will deepen the engagement and exchange between EU and GCC states and non-state stakeholders in the areas of green transition, de-carbonisation of the energy system, climate change mitigation and adaptation and environment by exploring and creating opportunities for cooperation in several of the above fields.

The Action will mobilise GCC countries toward more ambitious climate, energy and environmental policies. It will foster EU- GCC cooperation in key areas such as renewable energy (including renewable hydrogen), energy storage, energy efficiency, de-carbonisation, green technologies including for adaptation to climate change and sustainable management of natural resources and will avail EU expertise and policy experience in the area of climate-related economic activity. By promoting exchanges and collaboration among national and sub-national administrations, business, finance and scientific communities, academia and civil society stakeholders, both at the regional as well as national levels in the GCC countries, the Action will encourage and assist the EU and nonEU major economies in making their best efforts towards a green transition, harnessing international economic and political relations.