NTU successfully delivers another road sector training in Malawi

Contract Management training

For our EU-financed Rural Roads Improvement Project, which we started to implement last year in Malawi, we have now delivered another round of training. Our team in Malawi is providing strategic leadership and governance support for the RRImP Programme through building the capacities of District Council personnel, who are implementing the project. For this training workshop, NTU had engaged The National Construction Industry Council to conduct training on Contract Management for the District Council personnel. This is the second workshop NTU has arranged with The National Construction Industry Council. The first was kicked-off last year and focused on Procurement Training.

The Contract Management training was held in Mponela and was attended by the Directors of Public Works and the Roads Supervisors for the twelve selected district councils; making up a total of 24 participants.

By providing multifaceted training programs, local supervisors will be able to undertake Contract Management tasks in the future and further develop their capacity within all aspect of contract creation, execution and operational aspects.