Modernisation of biopharmaceutical facilities in Georgia

4th of January, 2023

NTU International A/S is proud to announce that the Georgian biopharmaceutical company BioChimPharm (BCP) has modernised and equipped its facilities in compliance with international standards which will enable the company to scale up its production in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to become more effective in the fight against antibiotic resistance and to protect people's health and save lives. The 2-year investment project worth €6,000,000 has been implemented with the support of the EU, the EBRD, FAO and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.

With the support of the project EU4GEORGIA 4 the opening event of the first industrial-scale manufacturing plant of phage preparations that meets sterile (aseptic) production guidelines was organised. In addition, the project ensured support in media promotion and video development. The event was attended by Levan Davitashvili, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Pawel Herczynski, Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia, Catarina Bjorlin Hansen, EBRD Regional Director for the Caucasus, Javier Sanz Alvarez, Coordinator of FAO projects in Georgia.


Read more about the event here

Video from the event