NTU wins EuropeAid Technical Assistance to support road sector in Burundi

NTEGRATION OF INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING AND SUSTAINABLE MAINTENANCE ASPECTS IN THE PROJECT FICHE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD RN 19 CANKUZO – MUYINGA NTU has been selected to support the strategic development of the Burundian road sector. The overall objective of the study is to identify technical assistance needs and propose measures for institutional support to be included in the Action Sheet Project NR 19, and to support ongoing initiatives to build sustainable roads maintenance capacity and significantly improve the governance of the road sector in Burundi. The tasks of our experts include: - Make a review of the situation in the sector and establish what needs to be integrated in the project fiche - Identify structural problems and propose solutions - Examining sectoral policies and strategies, legal texts and legislative procedures, procurement systems, organizational charts, functions, roles and prerogatives - Evaluate the current system of road maintenance - Analyze the mechanisms of quality control and cost control of maintenance - Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current functioning of the National Road Fund (FRN) - Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current functioning of the Roads Office (ODR) and the Board of Municipal Technical Services (SETEMU) - Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of contracting SMEs ensure the maintenance of roads - Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of other stakeholders in the road sector - Make an inventory on other cross-cutting issues and propose, where appropriate, improvements - Formulate and propose solutions / recommendations for action.