NTU provides support to the Moldovan delegation during the 2nd EU - Moldova Joint Committee Meeting on the Common Aviation Area Agreement

The Meeting of the EU-Moldova Joint Committee which took place in Brussels on May 15th, 2014 is part of high importance event, organised annually to offer the possibility of exchanging on the most relevant moments, reviewing progress and issues linked to implementation of the Common Aviation Area Agreement signed between Republic of Moldova and the European Union and its Member States. NTU successfully provided support to the Moldovan delegation during the second EU – Moldova Joint Committee Meeting. NTU's Team Leader of the Technical Assistance to the Aviation Sector Project in Moldova offered a presentation on the scope, issues, current status, and results already achieved under the technical assistance activities. The Project is presently focused on legal drafting and working groups were constituted, NTU’s experts working in close cooperation with Beneficiary's personnel. Relevant legislations have been already implemented (in AVSEC, ATM and Consumer protection). Others are being drafted currently (Market access, ATM, Safety) or planned for 2014. It is now established that the methodology initiated in preparing the AVSEC laws is validated and will be extended to other areas (sectorial approach).