NTU is shortlisted for Capacity building of the Civil Society in the IPA countries

Location - All the beneficiaries under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA): Turkey, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 Budget - 8.000.000 EUR Objective The general objective of this project is to strengthen the overall capacities and accountability of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) within the eligible areas that guarantee the quality of services of CSOs and a sustainable role of CSOs in the democratic process. This will be pursued by establishing assistance desks in each of the countries, train CSOs and stakeholders, organise and implement information and partnership events, map and assess the civil society legal and financial framework in the countries, create and manage a CSO web-portal, monitor and guide projects and provide ad-hoc advise and recommendations to CSOs, governments and donors. The activities to be implemented will be strongly embedded in the local civil society.