NTU has been awarded a EUROPEAID evaluation project

NTU has been awarded the EUROPEAID evaluation project "Evaluation of the implementation of the 2008 Council Conclusions on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child in EU's external action (development) in line with the 2007 EU guidelines – 2008-13". This evaluation expertise is expected to provide a quality assessment of EU Commission (DG EuropeAid) engagements, activities and programmes in the field of children's rights and in line with the requirements for implementation of the 2008 Council Conclusion and 2007 EU Guidelines on promotion and projection of children's rights. It focuses on stock-taking and lesson-learning, as well as an accurate assessment of past results. It aims to present information about the nature, extent and the effects of EU's political engagements, activities and projects on children's rights for their promotion and protection in partner countries. The identification of lessons learnt will help EU and notably the EC for a future planning exercise, through understanding to which extent results have been achieved on the field in line with the initial objectives of the projects supported for the protection and promotion of the rights of the children as direct or indirect beneficiaries, and deliver a critical analysis on their degree of alignment with EU policies. The evaluation will also take into consideration the political dialogues, efforts and advocacy work with numerous stakeholders undertaken by EU Headquarters (HQ) and Delegations (EUDs) on children's rights.