Strengthening Climate Resilience in Planning for Disaster Response in Zambia

Providing consulting services since 2017

NTU has been providing consulting services for the Development of Climate Resilient Infrastructure Standards and Codes for Transport Sector in Zambia since 2017, thought the project financed by the Nordic Development Fund and coordinated by the Road Development Agency of Zambia; which has as main objectives:

  • the systematic integration of climate change adaptation and resilience considerations throughout the road transport sector design and management process in Zambia at practical and policy levels; and
  • related capacity development of road transport sector stakeholders, including policy makers, decision makers and transport sector engineers and civil servants.

5-days training course

Recently, NTU delivered a second round of the planned 3 course trainings on Strengthening Climate Resilience in Planning for Disaster Response.

The 5-days training was attended by senior RDA staff and representatives of key government ministries, departments, research institutions and agencies; totalling a number of 36 attendees from 25 different institutions.

The training fully achieved its objectives and led to the issuance of a joint statement of commitment from all participants – the ‘Lusaka Declaration’, which calls on all organizations to increase their commitments to climate change resilience through supporting climate change resilience champions in their organizations.