NTU has been awarded the EU funded project "Evaluation of the statistics sector in Ukraine and EU assistance provided since 2010"

The main objective of the assignment in to provide a state of play in the sector of statistics following the implementation of the EU assistance since 2010. Specific objectives of this evaluation concern the need to provide a clear picture of the Statistics sector in Ukraine (status of the SSSU, remit and objectives, financial resources, strengths and weaknesses, etc.) in order to better identify areas where the EU could support Ukraine in the next period. This evaluation will be based on well-grounded evidence collected through the successive EU Twinning projects implemented during the last period. Within this project NTU Team will: Assess the achievements and results of the twinning projects: Consider if the collection, production and dissemination of statistical products improved during the period, and measure the level of implementation of the planned surveys and activities; Identify the main difficulties and constraints affecting the implementation of the projects; Evaluate the impact of the twinning projects regarding the transfer of European standards in the area of methodology; Assess the transfer of EU good practises and how it contributes to improve the quality and treatment of statistics data (results of surveys, data collection and processing, analysis, etc.); Assess to what extent those statistics products enhanced the efficiency and monitoring of public policies; Assess the current independence and integrity of the SSSU compared to EU standards, and identify gaps between both systems; Define the current status and remit of the SSSU, financial resources, strengths and weaknesses of the sector; Formulate recommendations for the SSSU to further support the sector and institutions in charge; Provide a development plan for the sector including key objectives and intermediary steps (institutional development plan, functional review, etc.); Formulate recommendations for the EU to support Ukraine to modernize the statistics sector in line with the requirements of the Association Agreement; Identify appropriate EU intervention and instruments to be used for this purpose.